“... a pianist whose probing, incisive, and deeply considered performances are consistently challenging and rewarding.”

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Album cover for Beethoven/5 Vol. 1

Release Date: April 26, 2024

Beethoven/5 Vol. 1:
Beethoven ‘Emperor’ Concerto
Brett Dean ‘A Winter’s Journey’

For Brett Dean, that word ‘about’ is a critical consideration. He is hardly a purveyor of ‘program music’ but it helps to know the context of his creativity. His music (think: Charles Ives) is more reflection or commentary, a diary entry or discussion. It is often weighty, but always rewarding…. Opening with the ‘Emperor’ gave us the opportunity to experience Biss’s sheer musicality, intelligence and profound study of Beethoven. In his hands, Beethoven was not a vehicle for display or showmanship, but quiet, dignified introspection.”


“Beethoven’s personal life may have been short on joy, but listening to Jonathan Biss leaves one feeling grateful that he was able to discover it in composing.”

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